quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2010

The changing on the society

Um mini-texto que traduzi do português para inglês, sobre a mudança no meio social

The changing on the society

The courses of development

Changing and development
Diversification and mutability of the centers of power and decision on the 20th century

When the 20th century begins, the unfair but stable world of the 19th century was coming to the end and all was about to change.
The 20th century was called the “extremes era”- contradictions, hopes, frustrations and unimaginable achievements. It was a century of amazing discovers: the moon and the bottom of the seas, new galaxies and the genes, the infinitivally big and the infinitivally small. From the assurances of scientism it passes to the recognition of the aleatory, the uncertain, the infinitivally complex.
On the whitens of the 21st century, we enter on the “ globalization era”- of the economy, of the knowledge, of the technology-, and also of the necessity of global management of the planet, only way of face global problems which it is facing.
The nowadays transformations occur on a dilacerate world by disparities between rich and poor states, on which the expansion of modern institutions provoke all kind of against-tendencies and influences, like the religious fundamentalism or reactive traditionalism forms.
On this new century, the world on which we evolve has abandoned lot of its stiffness and certainties.
The affronting of the ideologies has given the place to economical systems. The individual, formerly protected by security nets lifted up and financed by states, has to count more often with himself, for assure its professional and personnel security in the middle of micro economical structures that face each other on a growing competition. The cult of efficacy and rent ability tends to destroy any solidarity sense.
But not all the perspectives are calamitous. The world wideness creates richness and multiplies opportunities in the entire planet, and the diffusion of new communication means raises to a power of improvement of the education, formation and knowledge level of all people.
The major challenge is to shape the future as per a democratic conception, centered on the societies, that combines the solidarity affirmation with the recognition of the diversities.

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